When God Laughs

 Did you know that God laughs? That’s not something we think about often. You may have never thought about God laughing. Many hold this image of a stoic God that never even smiles let alone laughs. And you think that would be the case, right? I mean the challenges of this world are far too serious to laugh about. We have violent crime on the rise, inflation woes, immorality not merely accepted but applauded, people and institutions actively opposing the teachings of God’s word, and the list goes on. The mess of this world is no laughing matter so most of us never think of God laughing. But God Himself, in His word, tells us that He does indeed laugh.

 So, what would God be laughing about? What would God find so humorous that He bursts into laughter? It’s probably not what you would laugh about. In fact, what God laughs about might be giving you ulcers right now. What makes God laugh? We find the answer in Psalm 2 verses 1-4.

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?

The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.”

The One enthroned in heaven laughs

 When the leaders of the world make plans to rise up and oppose God and His will, God bursts into laughter. He finds it quite humorous that created humans, who are utterly dependent on Him for the very air that they breathe, would try to overthrow Him. I imagine this little three-year-old saying he’s going to beat up Francis “The Predator” N’Gannou. The Predator is the current MMA heavyweight champion of the world. He’s 6’4” and weighs 257 pounds. Five of His last six fights he won by TKO with the sixth fight being won by decision. If a three-year-old boy at 3’1” and 32 pounds came up to the Predator with his fists raised and looking all mean said in his preschool voice, “I’m gonna beat you up,” N'Gannou might bust up laughing. Such a scene is laughable. The little boy doesn’t have a chance, and it’s comical that he thinks he can actually beat up the Predator.

 That’s what makes God laugh. When human beings think they can kick God out of society and enforce their will over His. But let’s be honest, even though that makes God laugh, it makes us worry. We see the chaos of the world and the opposition to Christian values and we grow anxious. We worry about what that might mean for our country, for the church, for us personally. And we lose perspective. God sees the attempts of humanity to overthrow Him and His plans, and He bursts into laughter. We on the other hand worry. We need a perspective shift.

 Perhaps you have become anxious when you look at everything happening in the world. You may even think that God is losing ground as you witness the moral decay of society. Remember that God is still God, the reigning King of the Universe who has never lost a match. No three-year-old will change that. Human leaders in every generation will keep threatening. They’ll clench their fists and their jaws, glare up to Heaven and say, “I’m gonna beat you up.” And God laughs. No one will ever thwart God’s purposes and plans. So rather than worry, we might want to laugh along with Him.


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