Daily Christmas Presents

Do you remember as a child wishing everyday was Christmas? You loved opening up all the presents and seeing what toys you got and wished everyday was like that. Well maybe everyday is, but we are just missing it.
Recently I watched a video titled “Christmas Presents” produced by Forest Hills church in Charlotte, NC. You can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSxPWpLPN7A
It depicts a man waking up and unwrapping all the wonderful gifts that we usually just take for granted: life, family, electricity, clean water, food, etc. 
In a country so blessed as ours we can often take for granted the vast number of blessings we have been given. If you are able to read this you have an ability that 774 million adults in the world don’t have. If you are reading this through your internet connection, you have something more than half the world’s population doesn’t have. And if you are able to drink a clean glass of water while you read this, then you have something that 663 million people don’t have.
Whether it is the ability to walk, see, hear, read, have clean water, shoes without holes, a warm dry house, electricity, clean clothes, or food on the table, those are all items that millions in the world don’t have. Everyday should really feel like Christmas! Everyday should be a new opportunity to thank God for the many gifts we have in this life, and that is not even considering the greatest gift of all­–the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. God has given us His Son, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. Paul put it this way, “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15). He didn't even have words to fully describe the amazing gift of salvation.
This Christmas take time to thank God for at least some of the amazing gifts we take for granted. Maybe we should wrap up a pair of shoes we already own, a bottle of water, and a Bible off our shelf and put them under the tree this Christmas. It might help us remember the vast number of gifts we take for granted every day.
God’s blessings to you this Christmas!


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