Where are you?
You’ve asked that question countless times, I’m sure. You’re in the store and can’t find your spouse, child, or friend so you call out, “Where are you?” You’re getting picked up by someone who’s fifteen minutes late so you call and ask “Where are you?” You get a call from a friend and the background noise nearly drowns out their voice and you ask, “Where are you?” You and I have asked that question numerous times over the years. It reveals our limited knowledge. We don’t know where someone is and want to find out for whatever reason. The question makes perfect sense coming from the mouth of humans such as ourselves. But in Genesis 3:9 it comes from the mouth of an all-knowing God and seems quite strange. The setting is the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned by eating fruit from the tree that God had told them not to eat. They succumbed to the serpent’s temptation, rebelling against God’s authority. They knew it was wrong because the moment they heard God walking ...