
Showing posts from December, 2021

Enter 2022 Boldly!

Here we are at the brink of a new year. Does it really mean anything more than a digit higher when you write the date? Well, it does mark a new journey of the earth around the sun. It does result in the conclusion of another tax year. And for many it feels like a fresh start. There’s something about looking at a clean slate of months from January to December and wondering what those months will bring. Certain events are already etched in those months like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays, but there are plenty of dates still waiting to have their history written. What will be written? Let’s be honest, after everything we‘ve experienced in the past two years, many don’t want to find out. Some may even say they don’t look at the new year with anticipation but trepidation. What will this new year hold? Scripture provides a clear answer for us when we embark on a new God-assigned task with trepidation. We see a few examples of this in scripture. The most prominent example is Joshua. M...