
Showing posts from 2020

Social distancing: The new normal?

             We live in unusual times that have called for unusual measures to deal with the spread of COVID-19. The spread of the virus and the number of lives being lost has precipitated such measures. The unknown factors about the virus and the small window of time to implement mitigation have also pressured leaders to act quickly and implement radical measures like social distancing. The goal of such measures is a noble one that everyone agrees with– we must save lives.             I have no problem with our immediate desire to slow the spread of this deadly virus and minimize the fatalities. That certainly is understandable. But I do have a serious concern about the potential long term effects our current mitigation efforts may have if embraced as normative after the pandemic is over. After a vaccine is in use and the pandemic has ended, will people relate to each other again with a handshake or a high five? Will friends see each other and embrace with a hug as before? Will ex

Crying out to God

Why aren't we crying out to the LORD for deliverance?      Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that no one is crying out to God during this COVID–19 pandemic. I know there are those who are. However, as I browse the internet and observe social media, I feel as if there is little calling to God to END this pandemic. I know Pope Francis recently made such a petition and others likely have as well, but most of what I see in Christian circles are resources on how to adjust our ministry during this pandemic. Calls to pray involve prayer for the sick, families, medical staff dealing with the situation, and wisdom for leaders. Those prayers are certainly important and needed, but there seems to be this resignation that the pandemic exists, will spread, and we have to trust our human efforts to deal with it. I don’t see the urgent cry among the church for God to intervene and end it immediately as only He can.      Certainly, God may be using this pandemic to get people’s