What do you want me to do for you?
Depending on who’s asking that question, the reply sprouts from a multitude of possibilities. If a parent is asking a young child, the child’s reply may simply be, “Help me tie my shoe.” If a store clerk is talking to a customer, the reply might be, “I want help picking out some items.” But what if the person asking that question was the Lord of the Universe, the King of kings, the One who holds all power in the palm of His hand? What would your reply be then? This is the scenario we find twice in Mark 10. The first episode involves two young disciples, James and John. Some feel they were teenagers at this time, which there is some good arguments to support that idea. They come to Jesus (though Matthew 20 reveals they actually sent their mom) and ask Jesus to do whatever they ask Him. This may seem bold, yet on other occasions in the gospels Jesus encourages his disciples t...