God Wants Your Fat
American obesity has been the societal evil of choice for media outlets to focus on in recent years. Even the first lady has made conquering American obesity her personal mission. And it is a real issue. Statistics tell us that over 60% of the American population is considered overweight, and this includes children. So we’ve set up healthy eating commissions in our schools, gaming software like Wii Fit, television programs like the Biggest Loser, and other methods to get rid of the fat in our culture. Yet the Bible says God wants our fat. In Leviticus 3:16 we read, “ All fat is the LORD’s .” Why does God want the fat? We curse fat in our culture, but God says He wants it. Why? Fat reveals prosperity and plenty. Even ‘poor’ people in our country are overweight. Regardless of the fact that many are eating junk food, obese ‘poor’ people reveal how prosperous we are as a nation. You don’t find obesity an issue with the poor in third world countries. Fat results from prosperity and plenty w...